Funding applications for 2024 funding will open in February 2024.

Please submit completed applications and enquiries via email to by the end of April each year.

Please note that all applications should clearly state the projects or purchases a potential grant would be utilised for.

Frequently asked questions

How much will you fund/suggested range?

What do you prefer to fund?

Is there a pro forma or preferred format for proposals? Maximum length?

Is there a funding criteria?

The Joe White Bequest does not have a minimum/maximum range, as all applications are considered on an individual basis.

The Joe White Bequest has a preference for specific projects and outcomes. They are interested in supporting projects that have a clear utilisation of funding for equipment or project outcomes rather than funding general operational costs.

There is no set application format, and it is up to your discretion.

The Joe White Bequest’s major criteria is that the projects and organisations be located in Victoria.

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