Joe White Bequest

Joe White’s Will exemplified the man, providing an insight into his outstanding character. It ensured that his name and ability to contribute to the community would continue after his death. He made provisions for the remaining members of his family and others; and the income from the balance of his estate (dividends from Joe White Maltings Ltd), was to be administered as a charitable bequest.

The Joe White Bequest was created to carry out his wishes following his death in 1959. The amount of his estate consisted largely of shares in Joe White Maltings Ltd which were then valued at 643,050 pounds (approximately $1,290,000). After the takeover of the company in 2001 and now nearly 60 years since the foundation of the bequest, the assets have grown to more than $35m. In that time under the terms of his Will , distributions have been made in Victoria to hospitals and benevolent institutions,  and for religious, scientific and educational purposes. The amount distributed since inception is in excess of $30m.

Charities and institutions are able to submit submissions for funding .Those submissions must be made by the end of May. The trustees will consider those requests, and those that are successful will receive notification and their funding at the end of August. The trustees will show a preference for requests that are unlikely to receive significant government funding, and are highly likely to have positive outcomes.

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